Are you looking for Digital Gujarat Scholarship or Something like How to register or login in Digital Gujarat Portal? So, you are in right place to find the best details for Digital India Scholarship.
Earlier, when the common services portal was launched, people were still required to visit nearby Jan Seva Kendra to verify their credentials before being registered. People of Gujarat would soon be able to avail a host of government services through their smartphones and tablets, with the state government deciding to launch a mobile application for the same.
The last date for all course is extended until 15 December 2017.
Earlier, when the common services portal was launched, people were still required to visit nearby Jan Seva Kendra to verify their credentials before being registered. People of Gujarat would soon be able to avail a host of government services through their smartphones and tablets, with the state government deciding to launch a mobile application for the same.

Digital Gujarat Online Scholarship Details 2017-18
1. Organisation: Digital Gujarat Portal (Tribal Development Department)
2. Scholarship Name: Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18
3. Applicable For: Gujarat State bonafide students, studying within state or outside state, within India
4. Applicable State: Gujarat
5. Application Deadline: 15th December 2017
6. Website:
2. Scholarship Name: Post Matric Scholarship 2017-18
3. Applicable For: Gujarat State bonafide students, studying within state or outside state, within India
4. Applicable State: Gujarat
5. Application Deadline: 15th December 2017
6. Website:
Using this site people can apply for various services, such as ration card. Initially, the services available through the app would include procurement of ration card, senior citizen certificate, caste certificate, domicile certificate, income certificate, widow certificate, SC/ST certificate, non-creamy-layer certificate and religious minority certificate.
How to Register Digital Gujarat Online Scholarship?
National Scholarships Portal is a one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. National Scholarships Portal is taken as Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

Steps of Registration Digital Gujarat Online Scholarship Portal
- First, open the official website.
- Then click on Scholarship
- Now click as you wish your Scholarship category.
- Then log in with your USERNAME and PASSWORD
- Then Select Scheme of SCHOLARSHIP (Do not Select Class)
- Now Select Caste, Sub Caste and click on show.
- After that, Select Edit and Click on Proposal from GREED.
- Now select page (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) One by one, Then click on Edit.
- Then Click on Add to Proposal From Greed.
- Now All the Student Which are Included in your selected Scheme is ADDED.
- After that, You need to click on Print Proposal,
- Now you see your Scholarship Darkhast & Amount.
- That's It!!! You have successfully registered Scholarship in Digital Gujarat Portal.
- After completion of successful submission of application, a citizen doesn’t need to go/visit at nearest JSK/ATVT center to verify profile/document.
- Citizen will get an SMS for the status of his/her application.
Contact Details
Contact our common Service Portal Help-Line 18002335500 for further Information
Important Documents
Proof Needed In Service Attachment Digital Gujarat School/College Available Scholarship Scheme Yojana
- Caste Certificate
- Copy of Aadhar Card
- First Page Of Bank PassBook/Cancelled Cheque
- Fee Receipt for Current Course Year
- Self Attested Certificate of Previous academic mark sheet
- Break Affidavit(If Break Gap is More than One Year)
- Hostel Certificate(Only For Hosteller Student)
- Income Certificate (Competent Authority)(Form no.16 required For Govt. Employee)
- School Leaving Certificate
- School/College Current Year Bonafide Certificate
Digital Gujarat School & College Available Scholarship Scheme Yojana
- BCK-78 Post S.S.C Scholarship For Girls(SEBC)
- BCK -137 Post S.S.C Scholarship For Girls(NTDNT)
- BCK-81 Post S.S.C Scholarship For Boys(SEBC)
- BCK-138 Post S.S.C Scholarship For Boys(NTDNT)
- BCK-80 Instrumental Assistance For Medical, Engineering, Diploma students(SEBC)
- BCK-79 Food Bill Assistance For Medical, Engineering Students(SEBC)
- BCK -83 Swami Vivekanand Stipend Scheme for technical and professional courses(SEBC)
- BCK -83 Swami Vivekanand Stipend Scheme for technical and professional courses(EBC)
- BCK -83 Swami Vivekanand Stipend Scheme for technical and professional courses(Minority)
- BCK -139 Swami Vivekanand Stipend Scheme for technical and professional courses(NTDNT)
- BCK-98 Fellowship scheme for M.Phil, Ph.D. students(SEBC)
- BCK-82 Higher Secondary Scholarship (SEBC)
- BCK-82 Higher Secondary Scholarship (EBC)
- BCK-82 Higher Secondary Scholarship (Minority)
- BCK-81C Scholarship for students studying Dr. Ambedkar and Indira Gandhi Open University (SEBC)
- BCK -325 Educational Assistance for NTDNT Students Studying in Self Financed College(NTDNT)
- VKY-157 Food Bill Assistance in College Attached Hostels
- VKY 164 Instrumental Assistance for First Year Students of Medical, Engineering, Diploma Courses
- VKY 158 Swami Vivekanand plan for diploma technical professional and industrial courses
- VKY 156 Post Matric Scholarship for ST Girls Students having annual family income more than 2.50 Lacs
- Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Post-Matric Scholarship
- Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship
- (BCK-12) Instrumental Help to SC Students (Medical, Engineering, Diploma Students Only)
- (BCK-10) Food bill Assistance to SC Students
- (BCK-5) Post Matric Scholarship for SC girls student only (Having annual family income more than 2.50 Lac)(State Government Scheme)
- (BCK-6.1) Post Matric Scholarship for SC students (Government of India Scheme)
- Only Schedule caste Students can apply whose parents/guardians income less than 2.50 lac
- (BCK-11) Fellowship scheme for M.Phil, Ph.D. For SC students
- (BCK-13) Scholarship/Stipend to SC Students for ITI/Professional Courses
- BCK-81A Post Matric Scholarship of Government of India for the OBC students
- (BCK-6.1) Post Matric Scholarship for SC students (Government of India Scheme)(Freeship Card Student Only)
Digital Gujarat Post Matric Scholarship FAQ
If you have any question or any issue related Registration? Here's a Frequently asked question (FAQ). You can find your questions answered below.
Q .1 What is a Post Matric Scholarship (PMS)?:
A post matric scholarship is a scholarship which is granted to students by the welfare departments of the Government for enabling eligible students who have passed the 10th class(SSC examination) to pursue post matric studies such as 11th,12th, ITI, Polytechnic, Professional courses, graduate and postgraduate courses, Ph.D. etc.
Q .2 What are the components of a PMS?:
Post matric scholarship has three components
- Reimbursement of tuition fee
- Maintenance allowance
- Another compulsory nonrefundable fee not covered in tuition fee
Q .3 How can I apply online for a scholarship?:
The Post Matric Scholarship Schemes for 2017-18 (Within the State/Outside the State) are online Schemes. In order to apply online, please visit the website through URL:
Q .4 Who can apply online under this scholarship scheme?:
Gujarat State bonafide students, studying within the state or outside the state, within India, having valid AADHAAR (UID) Credentials and fulfilling the Scheme-specific guidelines are eligible to apply under these scholarship schemes.
Q .5 What is the last date for submitting applications online?:
For Post Matric Scholarship: In case of scholarships for the year 2017-18 students can apply online up to 15th November 2017.The time schedule notified vide newspapers and digital Gujarat portal from time to time.
Q .6 Is there any Application ID?:
Yes. An Application ID will be provided to the candidate once his /her application is registered It will be conveyed to candidates through SMS and e-mail. Students should note their Application ID as it will be required in future.
Q .7 Can I Apply as fresh if I am renewal student?:
Yes, for the first time in the year 2017-18 every student have to apply as a fresh candidate.
Q .8 Do I need to get my Aadhaar Card to apply for Scholarship?:
Aadhaar Card Number is mandatory for the Students in order to fill up the application form online. Students can also apply for Scholarship entering the Aadhaar no.
Q.9 Do I have to fill up the online application in more than one sitting?:
Yes, you can fill up the online application in as many as sitting as you wish until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application at every stage until you click on the final button.
Q .10 What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop-down menu?:
The student will contact their respective institute.
Q .11 Which fields in the application form are mandatory?:
Fields provided with a red asterisk (*) mark are mandatory fields.
Q.12 What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the application to the institute?:
You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Officer of your Institute. The institute has to back the application as an incomplete application and then the application will be available to the student for editing.
Q .13 Can I Secure scholarship for the previous year?:
No, scholarship can be claimed only for the current year. Scholarship for the previous years can't be claimed on online portal
Q .14 Can I take print-out of my application at any stage?
Printout of the application can be taken with “Barcode”, after locking and forwarding the application which is to be submitted to the Institute.
Q .15 Whether I have to scan the certificates and upload in the system before forwarding the online application to the institute?:
YES The system has the facility of uploading the scanned copy of the Certificates, like Caste Certificate, Income Certificate, Fee Receipt, Disabled Certificate(If any), Hosteller Certificate, Copy of first page of passbook( showing IFSC code of the Bank & Bank account number)However, the student has to submit self-attested copies of requisite documents with print out/hard copy of application.
Q .16 What is to be done after submitting the online application?:
After locking and forwarding the application online to the institute, you should take a print out of the application (this would come with a barcode), sign it and submit it to the Institute with documents.
Q.17 Can I apply scholarship application after the last date?:
Unless the date is extended you cannot apply to the Digital Gujarat portal will not allow registering so please do it in time.
Q.18 How to check the status of my application?:
A student can check the status of the online application by logging with his/her login details.
Q.19 What should I do if, by mistake, I select and forward my application to the wrong institute?:
You can approach your institute and inform about the error.
Q.20 What should I do, if by mistake, I select the wrong category and apply for the wrong scheme?:
You have to approach your institute and inform about the error so that there will be a Permanent rejection of your wrong application.
Q.21 How can I apply for a scholarship, if I am a student of Institute, located outside Gujarat?:
Fill up your application online on digital Gujarat portal and submit the filled up application along with all the documents mentioned in the portal at the district respective Officer of the native district of the student.
Q.22 Where shall I Contact for Queries?:
For any technical queries, Contact Helpdesk No. 18002335500
Q.23 What if I forget my password?:
You can recover your password by clicking on the reset button. Your password will regenerate and SMS sent to your mobile number.
Important Links
Gujarat government is Digital Gujarat Scholarship Scheme More Official Details and Information go to official website. For more details visit below mentioned links.
2. Important Dates: Click Here
3. Scholarship Notification For SEBC/NTDNT/EBC/Minority Students Notification: Click Here
4. Scholarship Notification For SC Students Notification: Click Here
Digital Gujarat
Digital Gujarat Login
Digital Gujarat Registration
Digital Online Scholarship Registration